
What is your background?

I am currently a second year PhD Civil Engineering student at the University of Nottingham. I obtained my BEng in Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Engineering in China and completed my MSc in Civil Engineering with distinction at the University of Nottingham.   

Tell us about your research?

My research topic is mechanics and biomimicking of marine mussel plaques: the effects of rigidity and the surface texture pattern of the underlying substratum. The main focus of this research is on mimicking mussel’s structure and applying it to material and structural contexts. It is a really diverse topic including mechanics, biology, materials and structures.

What kind of support have you found helpful in advancing your PhD?

The support of the department staff, colleagues and supervisors is definitely very important as you will be working with them on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the support from the family and friends can not be ignored as well. They bring you both emotional and work-related support.

What advice would you give to aspiring women in engineering? 

  1. Believe what you believe and stand by what you stand by
  2. Believe in your talent and work hard for it
  3. There are more and more talented women in the engineering industry, which has taught us that if you enjoy it and are willing to work hard for it, you will be one of them one day



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