DOWTHWAITE, L, SPENCE, A, LINTOTT, C, HOUGHTON, RJ, MILLER, G and SPRINKS, J, 2025. Exploring the relationship between basic psychological needs and motivation in online citizen science ACM Transactions on Social Computing.. 8(1-2), HOUGHTON, RJ and LANCASTER, K, 2024. Knowing and not knowing as system design imperatives In: Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2024.
HOUGHTON, RJ and ZHAI, X, 2024. Ordered by machines but heard by humans?: Perceptions of AI in Higher Education In: Thinking Higher: Interdisciplinarity and the next generation curriculum.
DVUNJAK, J and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2024. How would you like your automation?: Understanding user needs for personalisation-based automated systems through novel ideation card workshops In: Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2024.
PALMER, C, GOH, M, HUBBARD, E-M, GRANT, R and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2023. Creating a symbiotic interface for a digital twin In: TE2023 30th International Society of Transdisciplinary Engineering Conference. (In Press.)
LATTANZIO, S, NEWNES, L, GOH, M and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2023. Overcoming the Challenges of Conducting Transdisciplinary Engineering Research: A Case Study of the Made Smarter Innovation: Centre for People-Led Digitalisation In: TE2023 30th International Society of Transdisciplinary Engineering Conference.. (In Press.)
YATES, M, HART, G, HOUGHTON, RJ, TORRES TORRES, M and POUND, M, 2022. Evaluation of synthetic aerial imagery using unconditional generative adversarial networks ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 190, 231-251 LATTANZIO, S, GOH, M, HOUGHTON, RJ, NEWNES, L and GARCIA LAZARO, A, 2022. European Union Conceptualisation of Industry 5.0: Opportunities and Challenges for Transdisciplinary Engineering In: TE2022 The Future of Engineering: 29th International Society of Transdisciplinary Engineering Conference. (In Press.)
HOUGHTON, RJ, SPRINKS, J, WARDLAW, J, BAMFORD, S and MARSH, S, 2019. A sociotechnical approach to virtual citizen science: An application of BS ISO 27500:2016 JCOM: Journal of Science Communication. 18(1), A01 SHARAFKHANI, M., ARGYLE, E., COBB, S., TENNENT, P. and HOUGHTON, R., 2019. Identifying Aircraft Passenger Postures and Factors Influencing Body Part Discomfort In: International Comfort Congress 2019, Delft.
WARDLAW, J, SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, MULLER, J-P, SIDIROPOULOS, P, BAMFORD, S and MARSH, S, 2018. Comparing experts and novices in Martian surface feature change detection and identification International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 64, 354-364 ARGYLE, E.M., HOUGHTON, R.J., ATKIN, J.A.D., DE MAERE, G., MOORE, T. and MORVAN, H., 2018. Human performance and strategies while solving an aircraft routing and sequencing problem: An experimental approach Cognition, Technology & Work. 20(3), 425-441 LARGE, D, CHOO, MC and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2018. Validating 'Dutch Reach': A preliminary evaluation of far-hand door opening and its impact on driver's head movements In: 7th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC2018), Barcelona, Spain.
LANGLEY, A, PATEL, H and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2017. Fostering a Community of Practice for industrial processes. In: GROSSER, S, REYES LECUONA, A and GRANHOLM, G, eds., Dynamics of Life-Long Assets: From Technology Adaptation to Upgrading the Business Model Springer. 151-168 SPRINKS, J, WARDLAW, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S and MORLEY, J, 2017. Task Workflow Design and its impact on performance and volunteers' subjective preference in Virtual Citizen Science International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 104, 50-63 BABER, C, STANTON, NA and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2017. Deriving and Analysing Social Networks from SOCA-CAT Diagrams. In: STANTON, NA, SALMON, P, WALKER, GH and JENKINS, DP, eds., Cognitive Work Analysis: Applications, extensions and future directions Taylor & Francis/CRC Press. GOLIGHTLY, D and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2017. Social media as a tool to understand behaviour on the railways. In: KOHLI, S, SENTHIL, J.M., EASTON, J.M. and ROBERTS, C., eds., Innovative Applications of Big Data in the Railway Industry ARGYLE, EM, ATKIN, J, DE MAERE, GEERT, HOUGHTON, RJ, MOORE, T and MORVAN, HP, 2017. Decision support for airport surface operations: A sociotechnical systems approach In: Annual Conference of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS 2017), Houston, Texas.
MULLER, J-P, SIDIROPOULOS, P, TAO, Y, PUTRI, K, CAMPBELL, J, XIONG, S-T, GWINNER, K, WILLNER, K, FANARA, L, WAEHLISCH, M, WALTER, S, SCHREINER, B, STEIKERT, R, IVANOV, A, CATINI, F, WARDLAW, J, SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, and KIM, J-R, 2017. EU-FP7-iMARS: analysis of Mars multi-resolution images using auto-coregistration, data mining and crowd source techniques: A Final Report on the very variable surface of Mars In: EGU General Assembly 2017. 19. HOUGHTON, RJ, WHITE, C, GOLIGHTLY, D and WILSON, JR, 2016. Span of control in rail track work Cognition, Technology and Work. 18(2), 361-378 HOUGHTON, RJ, WARDLAW, J, SPRINKS, J, GIORDANO, M, BAMFORD, S and MARSH, S, 2016. Martian Factors: A systems ergonomics approach to citizen science In: Human Factors In Complex Systems 2016. (In Press.)
HOUGHTON, RJ, 2016. The mind in cognitive ergonomics: Box of rocks or bag of tricks? In: Philosophy and Ergonomics in Complex Human Systems (PEACHS), Nottingham, June 2016.
WARDLAW, J, SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S, MARSH, S, MULLER, J-P and SIDIRPOULOS, P, 2016. Mars in Motion: An online Citizen Science platform looking for changes on the surface of Mars In: 11th European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC). MULLER, J-P, SIDIRPOULOS, P, TAO, Y, WILLNER, K, WAEHLISCH, M, WALTER, S, SCHREINER, B, STEIKERT, R, IVANOV, A, CANTINI, F, SPRINKS, J, GIORDANO, M, KIM, J, HOUGHTON, RJ and BAMFORD, S, 2016. EU-FP7-iMARS: Analysis of Mars multi-resolution images using auto-coregistration, data mining and crowd source techniques: A Status Report (In Press.)
MULLER, J. P., TAO, Y., SIDIROPOULOS, P., GWINNER, K., WILLNER, K., FANARA, L., WAEHLISCH, M., VAN GASSELT, S., WALTER, S., STEIKERT, R., SCHREINER, B., IVANOV, A., CANTINI, F., WARDLAW, J., MORLEY, J., SPRINKS, J., GIORDANO, M., MARSH, S., KIM, J., HOUGHTON, R. and BAMFORD, S., 2016. EU-FP7-IMARS: Analysis of Mars multi-resolution images using auto-coregistration, data mining and crowd source techniques: Processed results - A first look In: ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, , Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 453-458 BROWN, M, COUGHLAN, T, BLUM, J, LAWSON, G, HOUGHTON, RJ, MORTIER, R, GOULDEN, M and ARUNCHALAM, U, 2015. Tailored Scenarios: A low-cost online method to elicit perceptions of home technologies using participant-specific contextual information Interacting With Computers. 27(1), 60-71 BROWN, M, HOUGHTON, RJ, SHARPLES, S and MORLEY, J, 2015. The attribution of success when using navigation aids Ergonomics. 58(3), 426-433 HOUGHTON, RJ, BABER, C, STANTON, NA, JENKINS, DP and REVELL, K, 2015. Combining network analysis with Cognitive Work Analysis: Insights into social organisational and cooperation analysis Ergonomics. 58(3), 434-449 HOUGHTON, RJ, BALFE, N and WILSON, JR, 2015. Systems analysis and design. In: WILSON, J and SHARPLES, S, eds., The Evaluation of Human Work (4th Edition) CRC/Taylor and Francis. (In Press.)
SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S and MORLEY, J, 2015. Keeping citizen scientists interested: The importance of task workflow design In: Citizen Science 2015.
MULLER, J-P, SIDIROPULOS, P, YERSHOV, V, GWINNER, K, VAN GASSELT, S, WALTER, S, IVANOV, A, MORLEY, J, SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S and KIM, J-R, 2015. EU-FP7 iMars: One year on with a focus on DTM, auto co-registration and citizen science In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. 17. EGU2015-10807 DOWTHWAITE, L, HOUGHTON, RJ and MORTIER, R, 2015. Fame or function?: How webcomics artists choose what to share In: Contemporary Ergonomics 2015.
WARDLAW, J, SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S, MORLEY, J and MARSH, S, 2015. iMars: Crowd-sourced analysis of imagery for geological change on Mars. In: GRSG 26th Annual Conference "Challenges in Geological Remote Sensing", Frascati, Italy. BLUM, J, KEFALIDOU, G, HOUGHTON, RJ, FLINTHAM, M, ARUNCHALAM, U and GOULDEN, M, 2014. Majority Report: Citizen Empowerment through Collaborative Sensemaking In: The 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management - ISCRAM 2014. MULLER, J-P, GWINNER, K, VAN GESSELT, S, IVANOV, A, MORLEY, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S, YERSHOV, V, SIDIRPOULOS, P and KIM, J, 2014. EU-FP7-iMars: Analysis of Mars Multi-Resolution Images using
Auto-Coregistration, Data Mining and Crowd Source Techniques: An
overview and a request for scientific inputs In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. 16. EGU2014-13744 MURATORI, P, HOUGHTON, RJ and WAGNER, C, 2014. Transforming physiological data from a generic sensor to a specialised one for affected detection In: 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE).
REYES-LEUCONA, A, MOLINA-TANCO, L, GONZALEZ-TOLEDO, D, FLORES, S, FRUTOS, E, PATEL, H and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2014. Design, maintenance and refurbishment of turbines in a collaborative environment In: 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE).
VAN GESSELT, S, MORLEY, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S, IVANOV, A, MULLER, J-P, YERSHOV, V, SIDIRPOULOS, P, GWINNER, K, WAHLISCH, M and KIM, JR, 2014. The iMars WebGIS: A Central Hub for Displaying and Distributing Co-Registered Data of Mars In: European Planetary Science Congress Abstracts. 9. ILIFFE, M, SOLLAZZO, G, MORLEY, J and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2014. Taarifa: Improving public service provision in the developing world through a crowd-sourced location based reporting application OSGEO: The journal of the open source geospatial foundation. 13, 34-40 BROWN, M., COUGHLAN, T., LAWSON, G., GOULDEN, M., HOUGHTON, R. and MORTIER, R., 2013. Exploring interpretations of data from the internet of things in the home Interacting with Computers. 25(3), 204-217 PATRICK, C, BALFE, N, WILSON, JR and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2013. Signaller information use in traffic regulation decisions. In: DADASHI, N, SCOTT, A, WILSON, JR and MILLS, A, eds., Rail Human Factors: Supporting reliability, safety and cost reduction Routledge. 409-419
ILIFFE, M, HOUGHTON, RJ and MORLEY, J, 2013. Understanding community mapping as a socio-technical work domain In: GIS Research UK (GISRUK '13).
COUGHLAN, T, BROWN, M, LAWSON, G, MORTIER, R, HOUGHTON, RJ and GOULDEN, M, 2013. Tailored Scenarios: A Low-Cost Online Method to Elicit Perceptions on Designs using Real Relationships In: Extended abstracts of ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI' 13). (In Press.)
ANSTEAD, E, BENFORD, S and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2013. Conceptualising dual screen applications as pervasive experiences. In: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI' 13). (In Press.)
BABER, C, STANTON, NA, ATKINSON, J, MCMASTER, R, MCMASTER, R and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2013. Using social network analysis and agent-based modelling to explore information management using Common Operational Pictures for maritime search and rescue operations. Ergonomics. SKATOVA, A, JOHAL, J and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2013. Individual differences in attitudes to private data In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for the Psychology of Individual Differences (BSPID '13).
SKATOVA, A, PAPAECONOMOU, P and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2013. Do personality traits predict everyday mood and behaviours? In: International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSD '13). (In Press.)
CRANWELL, J, BENFORD, S, HOUGHTON, RJ, GOLEMBEWSKI, M, FISCHER, JF and HAGGER, MS, 2013. Increasing self-regulatory energy using an Internet-based training application delivered by smartphone technology Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking. MORATORI, P, WAGNER, C, HOUGHTON, RJ, SHIPP, V, JOHAL, J, WELCH, P and ALI, S, 2013. Towards a ground truth dataset for affect detection from physiological information In: 1st International Workshop on Applications of Affective Computing in Intelligent Environments (ACIE'13). SKATOVA, A, JOHAL, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, MORTIER, R, BHANDARI, N, LODGE, T, WAGNER, C, GOULDING, J, CROWCROFT, J and MADHAVAPEDDY, A, 2013. Perceived risks of personal data sharing In: Digital Economy 2013: Open Digital.
HARE, C, SHARPLES, S, HOUGHTON, RJ and TALBOT-JONES, P, 2013. Complex data systems in the Fire and Rescue service In: NATO IST 116 Visual Analytics Symposium, Shrivenham, UK.
DUFFY, T, MCMASTER, R, BABER, C and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2012. Towards an ontology broker to improve cross-agency sharing in emergency response In: ISCRAM2012, 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Vancouver, Canada. MORTIER, R, LODGE, T, HOUGHTON, RJ, SKATOVA, A, WAGNER, C, GOULDING, J, CROWCROFT, J and MADHAVAPEDDY, A, 2012. Becoming Dataware In: Digital Futures 2012, Digital Economy All-Hands Conference, The University of Aberdeen, UK.
BABER, C., MORIN, C., PAREKH, M., CAHILLANE, M. and HOUGHTON, R.J., 2011. Multimodal control of sensors on multiple simulated unmanned vehicles. Ergonomics. 54(9), 792-805 MULLIGAN, CAE, MORTIER, R, HOUGHTON, RJ, RAHEMTULLA, H., FLINTHAM, M and NORD, C, 2011. Standardisation strategies for the android platform: The politics of the stack In: Intelligence in Next Generation Neworks, 15th International Conference, Berlin, Germany. 265-270 ILIFFE, M and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2011. Trust in crowd sourced crisis reports In: Security and Technology 2011, Royal United Services Institute, London, UK.
BABER, C., FULTHORPE, C. and HOUGHTON, R.J., 2010. Supporting naturalistic decision making through location-based photography: a study of simulated military reconnaissance International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 26(2-3), 147-172 GREENHALGH, C, MORTIER, R, HOUGHTON, RJ, MULLIGAN, CAE, SPENCE, A, CARTER, R and ADOLPHS, S, 2010. Crowd Sourcing: a Toolkit-based Approach In: Digital Futures 2010, Digital Economy All-Hands Meeting.
BABER, C, STANTON, NA, HOWARD, D and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2009. Predicting the structure of covert networks using genetic programming, cognitive work analysis and social network analysis In: NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG) Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
HOUGHTON RJ, BABER, C and HARMER, S, 2009. Sociotechnical systems models of the decision information chain in unmanned vehicle operations In: NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG) Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
HOUGHTON, RJ and BABER, C, 2009. Detecting deviants within flocks. In: DEWAARD, D, GODTHELP, H, KOOI, F and BROOKHUIS, K, eds., Human Factors, Security and Safety Shaker. 377-388
BABER, C and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2009. Transitional information in simplified mine detection tasks. In: DEWAARD, D, GODTHELP, H, KOOI, F and BROOKHUIS, K, eds., Human Factors, Security and Safety Shaker. 65-75
STANTON, N.A., BABER, C., WALKER, G.H., HOUGHTON, R.J., MCMASTER, R., STEWART, R., HARRIS, D., JENKINS, D., YOUNG, M.S. and SALMON, P.M., 2008. Development of a generic activities model of command and control Cognition, Technology & Work. 10(3), 209-220 HOUGHTON, R.J., BABER, C., COWTON, M., WALKER, G.H. and STANTON, N.A., 2008. WESTT (workload, error, situational awareness, time and teamwork): an analytical prototyping system for command and control Cognition, Technology and Work. 10(3), 199-207 BABER, C, STANTON, NA, HOUGHTON, RJ and CASSIA, M, 2008. Hierarchical command, communities of practice, networks of exploration: Using simple models to explore NEC command structures In: Realising Network Enabled Capability (RNEC NECTISE), University of Leeds, UK.
HOUGHTON, RJ and ET AL., 2008. contribution to various chapters. In: STANTON, NA, BABER, C and HARRIS, D, eds., Modelling Command and Control: Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork Ashgate. BABER, C, HOUGHTON, RJ, MCMASTER, R and STANTON, NA, 2007. Shared situational awareness a systems level phenomenon. In: DEWAARD, D, HOCKEY, R, NICKEL, P and BROOKHUIS, K, eds., Human Factors Issues in Complex Systems Performance Shaker. 267-276
SALMON, PM, STANTON, NA, BABER, C, HOUGHTON, RJ, WALKER, GH, JENKINS, DP and MCMASTER, R, 2007. Representing distributed situational awareness: A case study in multi-national operations. In: DEWAARD, D, HOCKEY, R, NICKEL, P and BROOKHUIS, K, eds., Human Factors Issues in Complex Systems Performance Shaker. 277-290
HOUGHTON RJ, BABER C, MCMASTER R, STANTON NA, SALMON P, STEWART R and WALKER G, 2006. Command And Control In Emergency Services Operations: A Social Network Analysis. Ergonomics. 49(12-13), 1204-25 STANTON, NA, STEWART, R, HARRIS, D, HOUGHTON, RJ, BABER, C, MCMASTER, R, SALMON, P, HOYLE, G, WALKER, G, YOUNG, MS, LINSELL, M, DYMOTT, R and GREEN, D, 2006. Distributed Situation Awareness In Dynamic Systems: Theoretical Development And Application Of An Ergonomics Methodology Ergonomics. 49(12-13), 1288-1311 STANTON, NA, WALKER, GH, SALMON, PM, GULLIVER, S, JENKINS, DP, LADVA, D, RAFFERTY, L, YOUNG, MS, WATTS, S, BABER, C, CROSS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ and MCMASTER, R, 2006. Experimental studies in a reconfigurable C4 test-bed for Network-Enabled Capability In: Proceedings of the virtual media for military applications (NATO RTA HFM-136 Workshop), US Military Academy, West Point, NY.
MCMASTER, R, BABER, C and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2006. Investigating distributed cognition processes during effects based operations In: TTCP Human Systems Integration Conference, Canberra, Australia.
HOUGHTON, RJ and BABER, C, 2005. Social aspects of network enabled capability: Information sharing and decision making In: IEE People and Systems: Who are we designing for? London, UK. 109-116
STANTON, NA, BABER, C, STEWART, R, HARRIS, D, HOUGHTON, RJ, MCMASTER, R, SALMON, PM, HOYLE, G, LINSELL, M, DIMOT, R and GREEN, D, 2005. Distributed situational awareness in command and control In: 6th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Las Vegas, Nevada.
STEWART, R, SALMON, PM, KAY, A, WELLS, L, MOCK, M, TATLOCK, K, HARRIS, D, STANTON, NA, BABER, C and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2005. HFI for future C4I in the RAF In: 6th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Las Vegas, Nevada.
MCMASTER, R, BABER, C and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2005. Investigating alternative network structures for operational command and control In: The 10th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), McLean, VA.
HOUGHTON, RJ, BABER, C and COWTON, M, 2005. Development of the WESTT human performance modelling tool. In: BUST, PD and MCCABE, PT, eds., Contemporary Ergonomics 2005 Taylor & Francis.
STANTON, NA, BABER, C, WALKER, GH, SALMON, PM, GREEN, D, HOUGHTON, RJ, MCMASTER, R and GIBSON, WH, 2005. Distributed situational awareness. In: BUST, PD and MCCABE, PT, eds., Contemporary Ergonomics 2005 Taylor & Francis. 336-399
BABER, C, CROSS, JC and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2005. Distributed collaboration in a remote search task: Comparison of datalink and audio communications. In: BUST, PD and MCCABE, PT, eds., Contemporary Ergonomics 2005 Taylor & Francis.
WALKER, GH, BABER, C, STANTON, NA, SALMON, PM, GREEN, D, MCMASTER, R and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2004. A novel integration of human factors methods to analyse C4I activity: A chemical incident case study carried out with the UK fire service In: 48th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Congress, New Orleans, LA.
MACKEN WJ, TREMBLAY S, HOUGHTON RJ, NICHOLLS AP and JONES DM, 2003. Does Auditory Streaming Require Attention? Evidence From Attentional Selectivity In Short-Term Memory. Journal Of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception And Performance. 29(1), 43-51 HOUGHTON, RJ, POPE, D, JONES, DM, PARMENTIER, F and FARMER, E, 2003. Monitoring spatial mental models in a simulated air-traffic control task In: European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition, Parvia, Italy.