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This is the place that turns research into reality and solves real world challenges that affect our daily lives.

Through our research impact we boost business, shape society and help make a greener planet spin a little smoother by:

  • Leading the way in establishing net zero transport
  • Addressing the need for sustainable energy, cities and the environment
  • Developing next generation materials and advanced manufacturing processes
  • Improving healthcare outcomes through enhanced technologies

This is the place where you get the space, support, skills and connections to revel in the real world of research. This includes sector-leading facilities, access to experts and training the workforce of the future.

We believe that great minds don’t think alike. We take a multi-disciplinary approach to research which is strengthened through our people, academic partnerships and industry collaborations across the globe.

Get ready to shape the real world.




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Dr Georgia Thermou using machinery in a civil engineering workshop

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Professor Rachel Gomes working in a laboratory

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Dr Kevin Webb looking down a microscope in a laboratory

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A male academic working in the wind tunnel

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Research facilities shaping the future

If you're looking for research facilities with a difference, then the University of Nottingham is right for you. We have an abundance of specialist, multi-million pound facilities which are finding solutions to global challenges.

From advancing materials, manufacturing and healthcare technologies, to sustainable energy and power electronics  - we're constantly upgrading our facilities to deliver world-changing research and meet industry needs.

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Power Electronics and Machines Centre



PhD opportunities

We offer funded and self-funded PhD opportunities

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Researcher network

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Global partnerships

We're partnered with Virginia Tech College of Engineering, USA

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Research impact stories 

View inside the MicroHammer plant
Revolutionising copper extraction

Using microwave technology to extract copper from its ore, reducing energy consumption in extraction by over 20%.

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A newborn baby wearing a Surepulse cap
Monitoring newborn babies

Wirelessly measuring a baby’s heart rate, using a sensor in a cap, allowing doctors to be hands-free for interventions.

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An evolvable assembly system
Evolvable assembly systems

Designing self-adapting manufacturing systems for the cost-effective manufacturing of complex, high-value products at low volumes.

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