
What is your background?

I am an Industrial Engineer with a masters degree in Quality Systems and Productivity, with more than 10 years of experience helping companies in designing, analysing and improving processes through the application of tools and the implementation of quality strategies. This increases productivity and ensures consistent results that contribute to company's good performance.

I have participated in projects to support companies in the textile, information technology, commercial, shipping, automotive and government sectors. I have been a facilitator and trainer in multi-disciplinary groups at different levels of organisations, with topics related to quality management, productivity and process improvement.

What is your research about?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has revealed the importance of the application of technology, as a powerful tool for the increasingly complex needs of the customer and of the value chain. It enables flexibility, enhances decision-making and improves operations. However, companies can face a number of problems because they do not necessarily have a clear vision of how to start their Digital Transformation Strategy, nor the possible impact it implies on their value chain.

The research has developed a methodology, based on a quality improvement approach for Digital Transformation within manufacturing processes, to better inform the business case. In particular, it provides an assessment and diagnostic to define a clear vision of the Digital Transformation Strategy, proposes digital solutions to start their implementation process with clear purposes and expected benefits, and measures the efficacy and effectiveness of the application of the digital solutions. Together from a holistic perspective, these should assure the sustained success of companies.

Why did you choose the University of Nottingham?

The doctoral program offered by the University of Nottingham has outstanding prestige and an extremely high research intensity. It is one of the best universities located in the top 25 in the three major league tables in the United Kingdom. Also, as an added value, PhD students are enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering training programme.

Specifically for the program, I'm enrolled in the Advanced Manufacturing Technology research group. The group has world-class expertise and strong relationships with companies across the country, helping them to solve complex problems in their manufacturing systems. Developing a research project in the department allows me to develop the skills needed, as well as exploit other scenarios to promote innovative projects.

What would you say to aspiring engineers? 

It is a long road and not always pleasant, but at the end of the road, in each of the stages of both training and work experience, it is worth all the effort once you see the results.


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