
What is your background?

My background is rooted in sustainability and clean energy technologies holding a BSc in Geography and MSc in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia. Throughout my university life I delved into future energy technologies trying to grasp how we could move towards a more sustainable society. After graduating from my master’s, I undertook a one-year postgraduate internship with the East of England Ambulance Service working on a number of projects including fleet decarbonisation. It was during this role where my interest in hydrogen peaked after seeing the challenges faced by the sector in meeting decarbonisation targets from electrification alone. This drove me to want to research this topic further where I now undertake a PhD in Sustainable Hydrogen in the Faculty of Engineering here at Nottingham. 

What is your research about?

My PhD research focuses on developing novel lifecycle assessment (LCA) models to assess the natural resource and environmental implications of deploying hydrogen-fuelled vehicles (light and heavy duty) in the UK. My work considers the current and future mix of hydrogen production routes, vehicle manufacture, use and end-of-life management. In order to gain a system-wide view, my recent work has investigated the environmental impact of the hydrogen production for these vehicles, undertaking a LCA of electrolysis technologies. 

Why did you choose the University of Nottingham?

I chose the University of Nottingham because the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) is unlike any other doctoral programme I have come across. The CDT offers an opportunity to collaborate with other PhD students within the university and external organisations. Coming from a background outside of engineering was daunting but being able to work closely with engineers as well as other disciplines provides endless support in any challenges I may face. Also, because the CDT has an industry-ready focus, I am able to gain industrial skills and build a network with leaders in the field which is invaluable for my post-doctoral career. 

What would you say to aspiring engineers? 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Engineering requires a collaborative effort and solving big challenges can’t be done alone - “a problem shared is problem halved”. 


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