PARAMOR, O.A.L. and FRID, C.L.J, 2014. Fisheries and Aquaculture. In: CROWE, T.P., FRID, C.L.J. and AUSTEN, M.C., eds., Marine ecosystems: human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services. Cambridge University Press. (In Press.)
ENO, N.C., FRID, C.L.J., HALL, K., RAMSAY, K., SHARP, R.A.M, BRAZIER, D.P., HEARN, S., DERNIE, K.M., ROBINSON, K.M., PARAMOR, O.A.L. and ROBINSON, L.A., 2013. Assessing the sensitivity of habitats to fishing: From seabed maps to sensitivity maps Journal of Fish Biology. 83(4), 826-846 FRID, C.L.J. and PARAMOR, O.A.L., 2012. Feed the World: What role for fisheries? ICES Journal of Marine Science. 69(2), 145-150 GREEN, J. A., PARAMOR, O. A. L., ROBINSON, L. A., SPENCER, M., WATTS, P. C. and FRID, C. L. J., 2011. Marine biology in time and space MARINE ECOLOGY. VOL 32(SUPP/1), v-vii NOLAN, C., CONNOLLY, P.L., KELLY, E., DRANSFELD, L., SLATTERY, N., PARAMOR, O.A.L. and FRID, C.L.J., 2011. MEFEPO North Western Waters Atlas (2nd ed) Irish Marine Institute.
PARAMOR, O.A.L. AND FRID, C.L.J., 2010. What is the sea floor worth? At: Public Service Review
HUSSAIN, S. S., WINROW-GIFFIN, A., MORAN, D., ROBINSON, L. A., FOFANA, A., PARAMOR, O. A. L. and FRID, C. L. J., 2010. An ex ante ecological economic assessment of the benefits arising from marine protected areas designation in the UK ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. VOL 69(NUMBER 4), 828-838 JONES, K. E. AND PARAMOR, O. A. L., 2010. Inter-disciplinarity in Ecosystems Research: Developing Social Robustness in Environmental Science. In: FRID, C. L. J. AND RAFFAELLI, D. J., ed., Ecosystem Ecology: A new synthesis CUP. 94-109
PARAMOR, O.A.L., 2009. How much for a pound of nature? At: British Ecological Society Bulletin
LE QUESNE, W.J.F., FRID, C.L.J., PARAMOR, O.A.L., PIET, G.J., ROGERS, S.I. and VELASCO, F., 2009. Assessing the impact of fishing on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive objectives for Good Environmental Status. Developing and testing the process across selected RAC regions: The North Sea.
ABRAM L.C, FRID C. L. J, PARAMOR O. A. L and ROBINSON L. A. AND SPENCER M., 2008. Assessment of Combined Gear Effects in Welsh Waters – development of a protocol. Countryside Council for Wales.
FRID, C. L. J., PARAMOR, O. A. L., BROCKINGTON, S. and BREMNER, J., 2008. Incorporating ecological functioning into the designation and management of marine protected areas HYDROBIOLOGIA. VOL 606, 69-79 PARAMOR, O. A. L. AND FRID C. L. J., 2008. The effect of fishing on habitat functioning: Implications for management. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Seas: Annual Science Conference CM 2008/M.
MORAN, D, HUSSAIN, S, FOFANA, A. FRID, C, PARAMOR, O, ROBINSON, L and AND WINROW-GIFFIN, A., 2007. The Marine Bill – Marine Nature Conservation Proposals: Valuing the Benefits. Defra: Bristol.
HALL, K, PARAMOR, O. A. L and ROBINSON, L. A. AND FRID, C. L. J., 2007. Mapping the sensitivity of benthic habitats to fishing in Welsh waters: towards the development of a protocol. Countryside Council for Wales Policy Research Report No. 7/15..
PARAMOR, O. A. L. AND FRID, C. L. J., 2006. The further development of objectives for marine habitats Defra: Bristol.
BREMNER, J, PARAMOR, O. A. L and BROCKINGTON, S. AND FRID, C. L. J., 2006. Development of methodology for incorporating ecological structure and function into designation of Special Areas of Conservation in the 0-12 nautical mile zone. English Nature: Peterborough.
FRID, C. L. J., PARAMOR, O. A. L. and SCOTT, C. L., 2006. Ecosystem-based management of fisheries: is science limiting? ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE. VOL 63(NUMBER 9), 1567-1572 FRID, C. L. J. AND PARAMOR, O. A. L., 2006. Marine Biodiversity: the rationale for intervention Defra: Bristol.
SCOTT, C. L, PARAMOR, O. A. L. AND FRID, C. L. J. and FRID, C. L. J., 2005. Ecosystem-based fisheries management: A new way of delivering sustainability. In: Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference: Fishing Vessels, Fishing Technology and Fisheries. 129-135
FRID, C. L. J., SCOTT, C. L., BORGES, M. F., DAAN, N., GRAY, T. S., HATCHARD, J., HILL, L., PARAMOR, O. A. L., PIET, G. J. and RAGNARSSON, S. A., 2005. Symposium Abstract: Developing a Fisheries Ecosystem Plan for the North Sea AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM. NUMB 41, 835
FRID, C. L. J., PARAMOR, O. A. L. and SCOTT, C., 2005. Ecosystem-based fisheries management: progress in the NE Atlantic MARINE POLICY. VOL 29(NUMBER 5), 461-469 FRID, C. L. J and PARAMOR, O. A. L. AND SCOTT, C. L., 2005. A North Sea Fisheries Ecosystem Plan: delivering an ecosystem-approach? In: International Council for the Exploration of the Seas: Annual Science Conference CM 2005/BB06.
PARAMOR, O. A. L. and HUGHES, R. G., 2005. Effects of the invertebrate infauna on early saltmarsh plant colonisation of managed realignment areas in south-east England MARINE ECOLOGY -PROGRESS SERIES-. VOL 303, 61-71
PARAMOR, O. A. L, HATCHARD, J. L, MIKALSEN, K. H, GRAY, T. S and SCOTT, C. L. AND FRID, C. L. J., 2005. Involving fishers in the development a fisheries ecosystem plan. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Seas: Annual Science Conference CM 2005/V32.
PARAMOR, O. A. L. and HUGHES, R. G., 2004. The effects of bioturbation and herbivory by the polychaete Nereis diversicolor on loss of saltmarsh in south-east England JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. VOL 41(NUMBER 3), 449-463
PARAMOR, O. A. L, SCOTT, C. L, FRID, C. L.J, BORGES, M. F, GRAY, T. S, HATCHARD, J. L, HILL, L, JAROWSKI, A, MIKLASEN, K, PIET, G. J, RAGNAARSON, S. A, SILVERT, W and STAR, B. AND TAYLOR, L., 2004. European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan: Drafting the Fisheries Ecosystem Plan. University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
HUGHES, R. G. and PARAMOR, O. A. L., 2004. On the loss of saltmarshes in south-east England and methods for their restoration JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. VOL 41(NUMBER 3), 440-448
HUNTINGTON, T, FRID, C, BANKS, R, SCOTT, C and AND PARAMOR, O., 2003. Assessment of the Sustainability of Industrial Fisheries Producing Fish Meal and Fish Oil. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
RAGNARSSON, S. Á, JAWORSKI, A, PARAMOR, O. A. L, SCOTT, C. L and PIET, G. AND HILL L., 2003. European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan: The North Sea significant web. European Commission. (0701701692)
PARAMOR, O. A. L, HATCHARD, J. L, MIKALSEN, K. H, GRAY, T. S and SCOTT, C. L. AND FRID, C. L. J., 2003. The integration of stakeholder opinion into the management of marine habitats. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Seas: Annual Science Conference CM 2003/Y:16..
HUNTINGTON, T, FRID, C. L. J, BOYD, I, GOULDING, I, MACFADYEN, G and PARAMOR, O. A. L. AND SCOTT, C. L., 2003. Determination of Environmental Variables of Interest for the Common Fisheries Policy Capable of Regular Monitoring. European Commission.
PIET, G. J, DAAN, N, JAROWSKI, A, PARAMOR, O. A. L, RAGNARSSON, S. A and SCOTT, C. L. AND STAR, B., 2003. European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan: Fisheries and the removal of ecosystem components. European Commission. (0701 01706)
FRID, C. L. J, BANKS, R. M, LIETZ, G, PARAMOR, O. A. L, SCOTT, C. L, SEAL, C and AND ZAHARIA, M., 2003. The fish meal and fish oil industry: its role in the common fisheries policy. A report to the European Parliament European Parliament.
READING, C. J, GRAY, A. J, PARAMOR, O. A. L, GARBUTT, R. A, WATTS, C. W, SPEARMAN, J.R, BARRATT, D. R, CHESHER, T, COX, R, HUGHES, R. G, MANN, J. L, MYHILL, D. G, ROTHERY, P and SEMMENCE, J., 2002. Managed realignment at Tollesbury and Saltram. Report 1995-2002 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (NERC) Monks Wood.
PARAMOR, O. A. L, FRID, C. L. J, BORGES, M. F, DAAN, N, GRAY, T. S, HATCHARD, J. L, HILL, L, JAWORSKI, A, MIKALSEN, K, PIET, G. J, RAGNARSSON, S. A, SCOTT, C. L and SILVERT, W. AND TAYLOR, L, 2002. Developing a Fisheries Ecosystem Plan for the North Sea. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Seas: Annual Science Conference CM 2002/W:05..
PARAMOR, O. A. L, SCOTT, C. L, FRID, C. L. J, DAAN, N, GRAY, T. S, HATCHARD, J. L, HILL, L, JAROWSKI, A, MIKLASEN, K, PIET, G. J, RAGNAARSON, S. A and SILVERT, W. AND TAYLOR, L., 2002. European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan: The North Sea European Commission. (0701701528)
HUGHES, R. G. AND PARAMOR, O. A. L., 2001. The effects of biological and physical processes on saltmarsh erosion and restoration in SE England.. In: GILL, J and O'RIORDAN, T. AND WATKINSON, A., eds., Redesigning the Coast. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and the Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment.
READING, C. J, PARAMOR, O. A. L, GARBUTT, R. A, WATTS, C. W, SPEARMAN, J.R, BARRATT, D. R, CHESHER, T, COX, R, HUGHES, R. G, LONGSTAFF, D. J, MYHILL, D. G and ROTHERY, P. AND GRAY, A. J., 2001. Managed realignment at Tollesbury and Saltram Centre for Ecology And Hydrology. DEFRA project CSA 2313.
READING, C. J, PARAMOR, O. A. L, GARBUTT, R. A, WATTS, C. W, SPEARMAN, J. R, BARRATT, D. R, CHESHER, T, COX, R, HUGHES, R. G, LONGSTAFF, D. J, MYHILL, D. G and ROTHERY, P. AND GRAY, A. J., 2000. Managed realignment at Tollesbury and Saltram Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. DEFRA Project CSA 2313.
READING, C. J, PARAMOR, O. A. L, GARBUTT, R. A, WATTS, C. W, SPEARMAN, J. R, BARRATT, D. R, CHESHER, T, COX, R, HUGHES, R. G, LONGSTAFF, D. J, MYHILL, D. G and ROTHERY, P. AND GRAY, A. J., 1999. Managed realignment at Tollesbury and Saltram Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. MAFF Project CSA 2313.
READING, C .J, PARAMOR, O. A. L, GARBUTT, R. A, WATTS, C. W, SPEARMAN, J.R, BARRATT, D. R, CHESHER, T, COX, R, HUGHES, R. G, LONGSTAFF, D. J, MYHILL, D. G and ROTHERY, P. AND GRAY, A. J., 1998. Managed realignment at Tollesbury and Saltram Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. MAFF Project CSA 2313.
READING, C. J, PARAMOR, O. A. L, GARBUTT, R. A, WATTS, C. W, SPEARMAN, J.R, BARRATT, D. R, CHESHER, T, COX, R, HUGHES, R. G, LONGSTAFF, D. J, MYHILL, D. G and ROTHERY, P. AND GRAY, A. J., 1997. Managed realignment at Tollesbury Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. MAFF Project CSA 2313.