ePortfolio for Lifelong Learning

See our project pages on the eFramework website at http://www.elframework.org/refmodels/epll/

Final Report

The project Final Report consists of the main text and a set of annexes. These are given as pdf files: separate copies of the annexes are also tabulated below in both pdf and MS Word versions.

Annex no Title Intended audience
Annex 1 Overview of annexes
Overview of annexes
Annex 2 Personal profiling service
Personal profiling service
e-Framework specialists; ePortfolio developers; HE and HR practitioners interested in student/staff recruitment/selection
Annex 3 ePortfolio and HE admissions
ePortfolio and HE admissions
Managers, admissions staff, IT professionals with a special interest in HE admissions but no prior knowledge of ePortfolio
Annex 4 Defining an ePortfolio engine for personal learning space

Defining an ePortfolio engine for personal learning space
General audiences needing to understand the concept of 'thin' ePortfolio
Annex 5 Use case specifications and service definitions of a personal profiling service (html pages)

Use case specifications and service definitions of a personal profiling service
ePortfolio developers

Next steps

As an extension of the work of this project, Peter Rees Jones is preparing a further set of documentation for JISC: 'ePortfolio for Development'. This will cover: Advice and Guidance Service, Personal Planning Service, Feedback Service, Implementation by Regional Partnerships and a workshop exercise on ePortfolio and application to employment. These will be published on this site.