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Ángela Castelli de Igarzábal

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

She was born in Buenos Aires 4 September 1794. She secretly married Domingo de Igarzábel, her father's political enemy. The pair were later forgiven. She was involved with a group of women who took part in the complot de los fusiles, led by María Sánchez de Thompson, in which they offered to pay for guns (which the government could not afford to move) to be taken from the port. She was widowed and married Antonio Rodríguez. She died in Buenos Aires on 25 October 1876. (Sosa de Newton, 138)

In 1812 she was among a group of women who sewed uniforms for the patriot army. Several of these offered to buy weapons and they asked that their names be inscribed on them. Their accompanying note (below) was reproduced in the Gaceta Minist in June 1812. He comments that when women show such sentiments, the people will never be defeated. (Mitre, Obras completas, VII, 16-17)

She was born in Buenos Aires in 1794, the daughter of Juan José Castelli and María Rosa Lynch. She married Francisco Javier Igarzábel a few days before the complot de fusil. The witnesses were Antonio José de Escalada and his wife. She was highly esteemed by Buenos Aires society, and lived to an advanced age, dying on 25 October 1876. (Carranza, 122-123)

Related to Casilda Igárzabal de Rodríguez Peña?

Life Events

Born 1794She was born on 4 September 1794.
Other 1812She offered to buy arms for the patriots.
Married 1812She married Francisco Javier de Escalada.
Died 1876She died on 25 October 1876.


Sosa de Newton, Lily, (1986), Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas

Mitre, Bartolomé, (1940), Obras completas de Bartolomé Mitre

Carranza, Adolfo P., (1910), Patricias argentinas


Letter: Carta


Resource id #31 (69)

Resource id #35 (35)

Resource id #39 (14)

Resource id #43 (6)

Resource id #47 (20)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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