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Ana Iraeta de Mier

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

A widow of a former audiencia judge, she established a secular female group of up to 2,500 members when Hidalgo’s men surrounded Mexico City in 1810. They defended the Virgin of Remedios, patrona of the Royal Army. The women watched over the statue and sewed banners to counter the rebels’ banners of the Virgin of Guadalupe. They also published pamphlets proclaiming loyalty to Ferdinand VII. They supported the families of the needy royalists. The rebels were defeated at the Battle of Las Cruces, 1811, but the women’s group continued for several years. (Salas, 26)

Life Events

Other 1810She established a secular female group.


Salas, Elizabeth, (1990), Soldaderas in the Mexican Military: Myth and History


There is no writing by this subject in the database.


Resource id #21 (22)

Resource id #25 (1)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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