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Rosa Florido

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Unknown

Biographical details

She was born in Popayán, the daughter of Andrés Florido. She became a patriot and collected funds for the independence cause. In August 1816 she was ordered by the royalists to become directora of the Sociedad Beneficencia y Caridad. She was told to provide "servicio a los beneméritos soldados de Su Majestad en los hospitales", organising care for the royalist soldiers and sewing uniforms. She did so out of her Christian charity and looked after royalists and republicans alike until her death in 1857. She visited the patriot prisoners, taking them food, and supported the victims of the terror. (Monsalve, 158, 301)

She was the mother of Padre Francisco Antonio Florido.

Life Events

Other 1816She became directora of the society of Beneficence y Caridad, Bogotá in August 1816.
Died 1857


Monsalve, José D, (1926), Mujeres de la independencia


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Resource id #23 (137)

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Resource id #31 (3)

Resource id #35 (26)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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