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María Soto la Marina

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Unknown

Biographical details

A Mexican woman who supplied water to the insurgent army at Mina as the soldiers were dying of thirst after a battle against the royalists. (Domenella, 368.)

She ran through a rain of enemy bullets to give water to the injured patriots. (González Obregón, 162-163)

Life Events

No life events have been recorded for this subject


Domenella, Ana Rosa, and Pasternac, Nora, (1997), Las voces olvidadas: Antologia critica de narradoras mexicanas en el siglo XIX

González Obregón, Luis, (c1952), Los procesos militar e inquisitorial del Padre Hidalgo y de otros caudillos insurgentes


There is no writing by this subject in the database.


Resource id #21 (33)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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