Gendering Latin American Independence
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Joaquina de los Santos

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Black

Biographical details

A slave woman who lived in Potosí with her husband Ignacio de los Santos. When independence broke out in 1811 they fled Potosí and joined the independence troops in Jujuy, Ignacio became a solider and Joaquina a nurse. In 1817 they were in Buenos Aires: both were seriously ill and Ignacio struggled to obtain a discharge from the army for himself and freedom for Joaquina and some money for her treatment. (Blanchard, 7)

Life Events

Other 1811She fled Potosí to join the independence troops.
Other 1817She was in Buenos Aires trying to obtain her freedom.


Blanchard, Peter, (2004), Freedom and Family: Slave Women and the Wars of Independence in South America


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Resource id #23 (33)

Resource id #27 (50)

Resource id #31 (6)

Resource id #35 (18)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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