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Micaela Ravelo

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

In 1837 she went to the courts to make her husband, Juan José Espinosa, to support her and her children. He had left her in 1832. She was being pursued by her debtors and unable to obtain money from her property as it was administered by her ex-husband. He appealed that he had not sanctioned Ravelo's debts, but the court ruled against him. (Díaz, 145)

She asked the courts to force Espinosa to allow her to earn a living from property that she had inherited from her father. She stated, "For now, it is enough that the law is on my side, and the wisdom of the judges, which must not forget that although I am a married woman, I am not for that reason Mr Espinosa's slave, neither have I relinquished my rights as a citizen, nor am I not the owner of my properties, nor do I not have the liberties that women of my condition have to allot or not to their husbands their properties apart from dowry goods." As a property owner, Ravelo saw herself as a citizen. She also stated that Espinosa had not fulfilled his responsibilities and that she had cared for their children and provided economic support. Espinosa accused her of adultery and stated he had the right to discipline her. (Díaz, 151-155)

Life Events

Other 1837She used the legal system to obtain financial support from her ex-husband.


Díaz, Arlene J., (2004), Female Citizens, Patriarchs and the Law in Venezuela, 1796-1904


Testimony: Defence statement


Resource id #21 (63)

Resource id #25 (50)

Resource id #29 (14)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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