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Josefa María Albelo

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Unknown

Biographical details

She married Manuel Franco Moreno, a young Spanish immigrant in June 1838. Within a year she sued for divorce on the grounds of abuse as he had married her for her money. He was 25 years younger than her and she had bought his wedding clothes. He had treated her as a slave and took control of her sugar mill and land. She appealed to the courts to forbid Franco from administering her property. (Díaz, 156-157)

The church approved a separation for five years. She died in October 1839 leaving her property to her sister. In June 1840 the sister gave Franco 1,000 pesos so that he would not pursue his claims on her sister's property. (Díaz, 160)

Life Events

Married 1838She married Manuel Franco Albelo in June 1838.
Other 1839She used the courts to obtain the right to administer her properties.
Died 1839She died in October 1839.


Díaz, Arlene J., (2004), Female Citizens, Patriarchs and the Law in Venezuela, 1796-1904


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Resource id #25 (50)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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