Gendering Latin American Independence
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Barbara Jedler

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Black

Biographical details

A former slave from Caracas who in 1835 complained to the courts about abuses committed to her son by his master, a provincial governor. She called on equality of rights of all Venezuelans (see below). (Díaz, 169)

Life Events

Other 1835She complained about the ill-treatment of her son in the courts.


Díaz, Arlene J., (2004), Female Citizens, Patriarchs and the Law in Venezuela, 1796-1904


Testimony: Statement


Resource id #21 (63)

Resource id #25 (50)

Resource id #29 (14)

Gendering Latin American Independence

School of Modern Languages and Cultures
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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