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Ann Chase

Other names/titles: The Heroine of Tampico
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

An Irish woman who acted as a spy in Mexico from 1846-47. She remained in Tampico after her US husband was expelled. She was protected by her British citizenship. She worked as a spy giving the US marines information about the movement of troops and harbour defences. In November 1846 she raised the Stars and Stripes flag over the city. She was honoured in the United States as the “Heroine of Tampico”. (Johannsen, 138-139)

Robert Anderson describes her as an Irish woman who “distinguished herself by raising the American flag as our Navy was coming up to town". (Anderson, 17)

Life Events

Other 1846She raised the US flag over Tampico in 1846.


Johannsen, Robert W., (1985), To the Halls of the Montezumas: The Mexican War in the American Imagination

Anderson, Robert, (1911), The Letters of Robert Anderson, An Artillery Officer in the Mexican War 1846-7.


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Resource id #23 (8)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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