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Laura Centeno de Azambuja

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

Laura Centeno de Azambuja was a strong, vociferous, supporter of the Republican cause in the Farroupilha War of Rio Grande do Sul (1835-45). According to Maria Dutra da Silveira (pp. 68-9), Azambuja received a letter from the opposing Legalist commander Felipe Nery de Oliveira in 1840 warning her to contain the expression of her views, which were considered imprudent and would be injurious to her family.

Life Events

Other 1840Supporting the Republican cause in the Farroupilha War (1835-45), in 1840 she received a letter from the Monarchist commander warning her to stop expressing her republican views in public.


Silveira, Diva Ione, (1985), A Mulher na Revolução Farroupilha


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Resource id #21 (21)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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