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Vicente Pazos Kanki

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Gender: M
Ethnic origin: Indigenous

Biographical details

He was born on 30 December 1779, La Paz, son of indigenous parents: Aymaras Bartolomé Silva and Mercedes Pazos Kanki. He studied in La Paz and Cuzco. He joined the liberals against the Spanish alongside Mariano Moreno, Bernardo Monteagudo and others. He lived in Northern Argentina until 1808 and went to Buenos Aires in 1809. He wrote for the revolutionary cause in La Gaceta (1810?) He founded the newspaper El Censor in 1812. He was in London from 1812-16.

In 1829 Gral Santa Cruz became President of Bolivia and named Pazos Kanki Consul general of Bolivia in London. He held this post until 1838 and then again in 1842 after nomination by President Balliván.

His works include: Memorias histórico-políticas (London, 1834); El Evangelio de Jesucristo (translated from Latin into Spanish and Aymara); Cartas sobre las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata> (1819) translated by Platt H. Crosby as Letters from the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata addressed to the Hon. Henry Clay;>; El Pacto y Ley fundamental de la confederación Peru-Bolivia, London, 1837; Cartas al Señor Antonio Acosta y al Excmo. Señor Conde de Aberdeen, London, 1845. He appears in various editions including Bartolomé Mitre’s Historia del Belgrano y de la independencia argentina, Buenos Aires, 1927. (Correia Pacheco )

He died in London on 28 March 1845.

Life Events

Born 1779He was born on 30 December 1779, La Paz, Bolivia.
Other 1812He founded the newspaper El Censor in 1812.
Other 1812He was in London from 1812-16.
Other 1829He became Consul General of Bolivia in London around 1829 until 1838.
Other 1842He became Consul General of Bolivia in London again.
Died 1845He died on 28 March 1845, London.


Correia Pacheco, Armando, (n.d.), Diccionario de la literatura latinoamericana. Bolivia,


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Gendering Latin American Independence

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