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Lucinda del Cuzco

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Unknown

Biographical details

In the late colonial period, she wrote in defence of women’s rights to be called señora and to be treated with respect regardless of birth. There was much support for Doña Lucina in the Cuzco and Lima salons. She so affected one Cuzco woman that she refused to be described as the “legitimate wife” of her husband in a legal document and insisted that “lawful lady and conjoint person” be used instead. This was reported in El Mercurio Peruano and she became the heroine of women who wanted equality and caused shock among many males for her “incredible” behaviour. (Martín. 307-308)

Life Events

Other 1792She wrote to El Mercurio Peruano about a woman's right to be called señora.


Martín, Luis, (1983), Daughters of the Conquistadores: Women of the Viceroyalty of Peru


Newspaper article: Carta escrita de la ciudad del Cuzco en defensa del Señorio de las Mugeres


Resource id #21 (52)

Resource id #25 (16)

Resource id #29 (14)

Resource id #33 (4)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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