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José de la Riva Aguero

Other names/titles: P. Pruvonena, Marcos de Neyra, Demóstenes, Paciencia
Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

A politician, born in Lima in 1783, he was educated in Spain. Was one of the jefes of liberation; a colonel in the insurgents’ army and in 1823 the Peruvian Congress made him a Mariscal. He was the first president of Peru and had the first coup de etat against him. He suffered several desierros. In 1838 he was President of the Estado Nor-Peruano during the Confederación Peru-Boliviana. During the independence struggles he used the pseudonyms Marcos de Neyra, Demóstenes, and Paciencia in his correspondence with the insurgents. His Memorias were purposely published in Paris after his death in 1858 under the pseudonym P. Pruvonena, a book that began a great polemic for his attacks on Bolívar and San Martín.

He wrote many other works including Manifestación histórica y política de la Revolución de la América y más especialmente de la parte que corresponde al Perú y Río de la Plata. Obra escrita en Lima centro de la opresión y del despotismo en el año de 1816 (1818); Origen de que los mandones y tiranos de Perú me consideren enemigo de ellos, (1820). (Romero de Valle, 271)

He attended Hermenegilda de Guisla y Larrea's tertulias. (Parra de Riego, 249)

A wealthy man who supported the independence movement. He was briefly President of Peru in 1823. Lynch states that he preferred to ally with Spain rather than Bolívar. (Lynch, xxi)

He used pseudonyms P. Pruvonena, Marcos de Neyra, Demóstenes, and Paciencia.

Life Events

Born 1783He was born in Lima.
Other 1818He published his Manifestación histórica y política de la Revolución de la América".
Other 1823He was briefly president of Peru.
Died 1858


Romero de Valle, Emilia, (1966), Diccionario manual de literatura peruana y materias afines

Parra de Riego, Carlos, (1935), La limeña conspiradora y patriota

Lynch, John, (1986), The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826


Book: Memorias y documentos para la historia de la independencia del Perú y causas del mal éxito que ha tenido ésta, Tomo I.


Resource id #31 (8)

Resource id #35 (3)

Resource id #39 (127)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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