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José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Other names/titles: El solitario de Sáyan, Tribuno de la República Peruana
Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

A politician and polemicist writer, who was born on 13 February 1787. He was expelled from Peru by the Viceroy Pezuela for his republican ideas. He had been persecuted by the Inquisition for reading prohibitive books. In 1821 he became one of the champions of the Republic. He went to Guayaquíl with Bolívar, was his secretary and Minister of Interior in 1824. (Romero de Valle, 185-193)

He published his Cartas under the pseudonym "El solitario de Sáyan", in the newspaper La Abeja Republicana (1822).
He was an enemy of Bernardo Monteagudo and attacked him bitterly. He called himself “el Tribuno de la República Peruana”. He died from poison in Lurín during the night of 2-3 June 1825, shortly after Monteagudo’s assassination – a political crime that’s still shrouded in mystery.
In 1877 Ricardo Palma published a short work, Monteagudo y Sánchez Carrion that caused a lively polemic among historians of that time.
He also contributed to El Correo Mercantil (Peru) and El Tribuno de la República. He later opposed Bolívar, like J.J. Olmedo. (Tamayo Vargas, 498-504)

In 1821 he began to contribute to El Correo Mercantil and La Abeja Republicana. (Martínez Riaza, 67.)

He is said to have attended Campusano's tertulias in Lima. (Estrada, 48)

He is described by Lynch as a liberal republican. He was a member of Bolívar's administration in 1824 and of the Peruvian government in 1825. (Lynch, xxii)

Life Events

Born 1787He was born 13 February 1787.
Other 1822He accompanied Bolívar to Guayaquil.
Other 1824He was Minister of Interior, Peru.
Died 1825He died from poison in Lurín on 2-3 June 1825.


Tamayo Vargas, Agusto, (), Literatura peruana

Romero de Valle, Emilia, (1966), Diccionario manual de literatura peruana y materias afines

Martínez Riaza, Ascención, (1985), La prensa doctrina en la independencia de Perú, 1811-1824

Lynch, John, (1986), The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826

Estrada, Jenny, (1984), Mujeres de Guayaquil, siglo XVI al siglo XX


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Gendering Latin American Independence

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