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Esteban de Terralla y Landa (Simón Ayanque)

Other names/titles:
Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

A satirical writer born in Andalucia, Spain who wrote under the pseudonym Simón Ayanque. (Coester, 35)

He arrived in Lima around 1787 (from Mexico). Viceroy Teodoro Croix was his protector, but when he returned to Spain all doors were shut in Terralla’s face. He then wrote Lima por dentro y fuera, (1797) a satire of Lima life. (Romero de Valle, 312)

While in Peru, he was dedicated to the mining industry in Cajamarca province. When he returned to Spain all doors were closed in his face as he was considered to be a dangerous man to admit to one's home. At the end of 1792 he was mortally injured in combat. (Medina, 209)

Life Events

Other 1787He arrived in Lima around 1787.
Died 1792He possibly died in 1792.
Other 1797His Lima por dentro y fuera, a satire of Lima life was published.


Romero de Valle, Emilia, (1966), Diccionario manual de literatura peruana y materias afines

Medina, José Toribo, (1988), La imprenta en Lima (1584-1824), Tomo III, 1768-1810

Coester, Alfred, (1919), The Literary History of Spanish America


Book: Lima por dentro y fuera


Resource id #29 (127)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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