Gendering Latin American Independence
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Isabel Gómez

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Mulatto/a

Biographical details

A parda midwife who, with Joaquina de España, distributed revolutionary literature in Caracas. She was imprisoned and exiled. (Cherpak, 220)

She was the mother of General Manuel Piar (1782-1817). (Knaster, 479.)

Life Events

Other 1782Her son, Manuel Piar, was born.
Other 1817Her son was executed by Bolívar.


Lavrin, Asunción, (1978), Latin American Women: Historical Perspectives; Contributions in Women's Studies, No.3.

Knaster, Meri, (1977), Women in Spanish America: An Annotated Bibliography from Pre-Conquest to Contemporary Times


There is no writing by this subject in the database.


Resource id #25 (9)

Resource id #29 (186)

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Resource id #37 (20)

Resource id #41 (49)

Resource id #45 (111)

Resource id #49 (112)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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