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Pedro Briceño Méndez

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Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

Born in 1794, his sister and other members of his family were among a group of women from Barinas province who in 1811 wrote to the governor offering to enlist in the republican army. Their offer was rejected, but their letter was printed in the Gaceta de Caracas. He died in 1836. (Tosta, 72.)

In 1830 he stated that those who govern the country should be those who "derramaron su sangre" in the fight for independence. (Díaz, 120)
He participated in the Revolución de las Reformas in 1835 against President José María Vargas of Venezuela. (Díaz, 119)

Life Events

Born 1794
Other 1830He stated that those who govern the country should be those who had fought for independence.
Other 1835He participated in a rebellion against President Vargas.
Died 1836


Tosta, Virgilio, (1987), Historia de Barinas

Humphreys, R. A., (1969), The ´Detached Recollections' of General D. F. O'Leary

Díaz, Arlene J., (2004), Female Citizens, Patriarchs and the Law in Venezuela, 1796-1904


There is no writing by this subject in the database.


Resource id #31 (13)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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