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Antonia Bernales de Zubiaga

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Unknown

Biographical details

The mother of Francisca Zubiaga de Gamarra. She married Antonio Zubiaga, a Spanish merchant. (García y García, 317)

She was awarded the Orden del Sol by San Martín in 1822. (Gaceta de Lima, 23-1-1822, p.3)

The daughter, wife and mother of valiants. She worked to release Barrenechea when he was recaptured following his escape from the shipwrecked boat in which he was being transported to Spain. Barrenechea was condemned to death by Viceroy Pezuela, but she and others managed to rescue Barrenechea while he was being transported from Casamatas. She then hid him in her house for several months, in agreement with her husband, until he was able to join the liberating army. (García y García, 271, 292)

Life Events

Other 1822She was awarded the Orden del Sol.


García y García, Elvira, (1924), La mujer peruana a través de los siglos

, (1950), Gaceta del Gobierno de Lima Independiente, Tomos I-III, Julio 1822-dic 1822


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Resource id #23 (193)

Resource id #27 (4)

Resource id #31 (16)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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