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Trinidad Guevara

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Unknown

Biographical details

She was born in Santo Domingo Soriano, Uruguay on 10 May 1798, and became an actress in Buenos Aires. Her free life style (she had 7 children by different fathers) made her the object of scorn by Francisco Castañeda, a priest who described her as a prostitute and wrote about her "criminal conducta" in 1821. His article, "El despertador teofilantrópico" so offended Guevara that she answered him in writing.

She was nonetheless a popular and successful actress. She was publicly acclaimed in Buenos Aires in 1856, but this was her pinnacle. She died in obscurity in 1873. (Sampedro, 57-62)

Sosa de Newton claims that she was born in Buenos Aires and that her family was from Uruguay. She was sponsored by the Sociedad del Buen Gusto. She appeared in Juan Cruz Varela's tragedies. After 1825 she performed in Chile and Uruguay. In 1830 she returned to Buenos Aires. She travelled to neighbouring countries from 1832 to 1840. She was in Rio de Janeiro from 1848-1851, when she retired from the theatre. She died in Buenos Aires on 24 July 1873. (Sosa de Newton, 297-298).

Life Events

Born 1798She was born on 10 May 1798, Santo Domingo Soriano, Uruguay.
Other 1825She travelled to Chile and Uruguay with the theatre between 1825 and 1830.
Other 1830She returned to Buenos Aires.
Other 1848She was in Rio de Janeiro from 1858-1851.
Other 1851She retired from the theatre.
Died 1873She died in Buenos Aires on 24 July 1873..


Ramb, Ana María, (1999), Pasión y coraje: Mujeres que hicieron historia

Sosa de Newton, Lily, (1986), Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas


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Resource id #33 (6)

Resource id #37 (4)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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