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Fernando López Aldana

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Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

Born in Bogotá in 1784, he married Carmen Larriva de González. He edited the clandestine Diario Secreto de Lima, which ran from 1 to 27 February 1811 (9 editions). Manuel del Río (son of Guillermo) and José de la Riva Agüero worked with him. It was published in Lima and distributed as far as Trujillo, Bogotá and Buenos Aires. It opposed the Viceroy who was inhibiting the press in Lima. It was the most radical of publications of its time. He was the most prominent member of the Sociedad Filantrópica (Lima). He was also involved in El Correo Mercantil. He was the first non-military person to become a member of the Orden del Sol. In 1825 Bolívar appointed him to the Supreme Court, a position he held until 1831. He died in 1841. (Martínez Riaza, 30-31, 66, 67, 81)

Life Events

Born 1784
Other 1811He edited the Diario Secreto de Lima.
Other 1825He was appointed a member of the supreme court by Bolívar.
Died 1841


Martínez Riaza, Ascención, (1985), La prensa doctrina en la independencia de Perú, 1811-1824


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Resource id #35 (127)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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