Gendering Latin American Independence
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José Pezet

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Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

Born in Lima, in 1744, of French descent. He was a disciple of Hipólito Unanue. A liberal, whose criticism of Spanish politics led to his imprisonment as a conspiritor along with Riva Agüero, Félix Devoti and Tagle. He was decorated with the Orden del Sol. On 23 March 1823 he was made Vice-president of Congress. He was involved in the publication of El Mercurio Peruano. He died in 1825. (Martínez Riaza, 67, 73-74)

Life Events

Born 1744
Other 1823He was made vice-president of Congress.
Died 1825


Martínez Riaza, Ascención, (1985), La prensa doctrina en la independencia de Perú, 1811-1824


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Resource id #25 (52)

Resource id #29 (6)

Resource id #33 (7)

Resource id #37 (6)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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