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Miguel Tafur

Other names/titles:
Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

Born in 1766, he taught at the Universidad de San Marcos and was vice-rector of San Fernando from June 1819. He was Protomedicato general del Estado under San Martín. He became a diputado del Congreso and director of the Colegio de la Independencia. A member of the Sociedad Patriótica. His speech, "Las causas que retardan la independencia de Lima, Patriotismo y opinión pública," made on 3 May 1822, was published in El Sol del Perú. He died in 1833. (Martínez Riaza, 69)

Life Events

Born 1766
Other 1819He was Vice-rector at San Fernando.
Other 1822He made a speech before the Sociedad Patriótica on 3 May 1822.
Died 1833


Martínez Riaza, Ascención, (1985), La prensa doctrina en la independencia de Perú, 1811-1824


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Resource id #27 (7)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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