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Toledo (mother)

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Unknown

Biographical details

She and her two daughters stopped the advance of General Español Valdés close to a bridge on the Río Mantaro, close to Concepción. (Neuhaus Rizo, 119)

The three women lived in Concepción, Junín. Rocafort, leader of the royalist forces had to cross the Mantaro river in his move towards Lima where he was needed to reinforce the Viceroy. They took Aldao, on one side of the river, and moved towards Concepción. All the people of Concepción, including the elderly and women, took up arms against Rocafort. The Spaniards nonetheless took the (rope) bridge and started to cross the river. These three women then cut the ropes sending the royalist troops down into the river, Concepción was saved; Rocafort was defeated and forced to retreat to Izcuchaca. (García y García, 229-230)

Carranza mentions these sisters, claiming that they were from Salta and that they armed indigenous against Valdés´ troops in 1815. (Carranza, 156)

Life Events

Other 1815The sisters armed the indigenous to fight against Valdés.


Neuhaus Rizo Patrón, Carlos, (1997), Las Mariscalas

García y García, Elvira, (1924), La mujer peruana a través de los siglos

Carranza, Adolfo P., (1910), Patricias argentinas


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Resource id #25 (98)

Resource id #29 (12)

Resource id #33 (27)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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