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Carmen Mercié

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: Unknown

Biographical details

She fought in defence of Cumaná against the royalists. She was involved in the bitter fighting in Sabana del Saldado against Manuel Pilar's troops under the command of General Boves. The patriots were defeated and Pilar marched into Cumaná with 2,000 troops. A witness claims they killed all men, women and children they came across in the streets or hiding in the churches. Mercié, seriously wounded, had taken refuge in the Iglesia del Carmen. She was killed in front of Boves (on 16 October 1814) who is said to have smiled as she died. The royalists then held a celebratory dance until 3 a.m. when most of the musicians were killed. Monsalve quotes another source that she was killed in Barcelona on 15 October 1814. Royalist official followed Mercié into the capilla de Carmen where she had asked the priest to protect her; she was torn to pieces in front of a smiling Boves. That night, a sad music and a weak funerial lamp cut into the thick darkness, the music became livelier as the room was lit up and women entered, many of them from Caracas. They were crying and desolate, many soaked in the blood of their husbands and sons. In the early hours the music became weaker and weaker until just one violinist played. Afterwards the room was left in silence as 30 musicians from Caracas had left their instruments and been beheaded. (Monsalve, 70-71)

She was killed by Spanish General Boves in Cumaná while pregnant. (Calle, 77)

Life Events

Died 1814She was killed by royalists on 15 or 16 October 1814 in either Cumaná or Barcelona.


Calle, Manuel J., (1955), Leyendas del tiempo heroico

Monsalve, José D, (1926), Mujeres de la independencia


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Resource id #23 (98)

Resource id #27 (10)

Resource id #31 (1)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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