Gendering Latin American Independence
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Sor Juana Riofrio

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

Sor Juana Riofrio was a nun at the Encarnación Convent, Peru, who was distinguished by decree for her services to the independence cause in January 1821. (Gaceta de Lima, 6-2-1822, p.3)

A member of the aristocracy, she was extremely talented and a became a staunch supporter of the independence cause. She delivered correspondence, collected funds and supplied arms to the patriots. She also kept their flags hidden in her cell. The Spaniards entered the (Lima?) convent by force, intimidating all the nuns, apart from Sor Juana Riofrio who sat calmly in her cell denying the presence of any pro-independence objects. Her serenity defeated the Spaniards who left without touching the objects even though they were clearly visible.

After independence, José Bernardo de Tagle wrote to her commending her patriotism. (García y García, 243-244)

Life Events

Other 1821She was awarded the Orden del Sol in January 1821.


García y García, Elvira, (1924), La mujer peruana a través de los siglos

, (1950), Gaceta del Gobierno de Lima Independiente, Tomos I-III, Julio 1822-dic 1822


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Gendering Latin American Independence

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