Gendering Latin American Independence
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Josefa Carrillo

Other names/titles: Marquesa de Castellón
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

From Lima, she openly conspired against the Viceroy. She wrote letters, sent messages and received information. She was "la mujer fuerte, sin perder los encantos propios de su sexo". She was beautiful, rich and happy. When the Protector entered Lima, one of his first acts was to declare her "prócera de la Independencia". (Parra de Riego, 249.)

She was a descendant of Juan Berrio, the first Marques of Castellón, connected to the counts of Monte Blanco and San Juan de Lurigancho. She wrote letters and signed letters directing opinion of the Lima upper class in favour of San Martín. This action led her San Martín to recognise her as a Prócera de la Independencia. She shone at the celebrations of independence: her beauty, talent and distinction was recognised by the foreign chiefs. When asked about the risks she had run during the independence struggles, she replied, "era necesario ese sacrificio, para gozar ahora la compensación de haber conseguido la independencia de la patria. Ya pueden ustedes ver, que no se necesita tanto, cuando el tiempo que nos resta para gozar, es mucho más dilatado, que el que, hemos pasado." (García y García, 231-232)

She was awarded the Orden del Sol by San Martín in 1822. (Gaceta de Lima, 23-1-1822, p.4)

Life Events

Other 1822She was awarded the Orden del Sol by San Martín.


Parra de Riego, Carlos, (1935), La limeña conspiradora y patriota

García y García, Elvira, (1924), La mujer peruana a través de los siglos

García y García, Elvira, (1924), La mujer peruana a través de los siglos

, (1950), Gaceta del Gobierno de Lima Independiente, Tomos I-III, Julio 1822-dic 1822

Davies, Catherine, Brewster, Claire and Owen, Hilary, (2006), South American Independence. Gender, Politics, Text


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Resource id #29 (193)

Resource id #33 (41)

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Resource id #41 (34)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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