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Rosa Rábago de La Puente (Rávago)

Other names/titles:
Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

The sister of Manuela Rábago, born around 1810, she attended the Rávago tertulias in Lima, which fostered a love for the bellas artes. She is said to have animated these salons with her exceptional beauty, her fine conversation and her sharp and witty expressions, many of which became proverbs. She never wanted to write herself because she believed that her sister's work was sufficient for their family. Instead, she memorised and recited the work of her contemporaries so well and so quickly that it astonished the learned men of the time. Her lively conversation was much sought . Bolívar was an arduous suitor who wanted to marry her, but she refused explaining in a ditty, "La Presidencia pasa y el z… queda en casa." She also said she wasn't attracted to him due to a difference of race / breeding. She helped Orbegoso in his words and action during his political struggle with Salaverry. She later married Pedro de La Puente. (García y García, 334-335)

She was courted by Bolívar who was captivated by her beauty and her noble ancestry. (Parra de Riego, 251)

Life Events

Born 1810She was born around 1810.


Parra de Riego, Carlos, (1935), La limeña conspiradora y patriota

García y García, Elvira, (1924), La mujer peruana a través de los siglos


There is no writing by this subject in the database.


Resource id #23 (18)

Resource id #27 (17)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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