Gendering Latin American Independence
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Dolores Prats de Huisi

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Gender: F
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

She was born in Valparaíso, Chile, around 1785. Her husband died in the battle of Rancagua. Her wealth was confiscated and she fled the royalists to Mendoza where she stayed in the Ferrari household. San Martín stayed there for Christmas, 1816 and asked the women if they would make a flag for the army. She, along with Remedios de Escalada, Mercedes Alvarez de Segura, Laureana Ferrari and Margarita Corvalán began work immediately and finished the Bandera de los Andes on 5 January 1817. After the victory at Chacabuco she returned to Chile where she died in 1834. (Sosa de Newton, 25, 508)

She was born in Chile in 1785. She married a merchant, who was a staunch patriot. They fled to Mendoza in 1814 after Rancagua, during the Spanish reconquest of Chile. There, she made a flag for San Martín. On 5 January 1817 it was hung in the capital of Cuyo province, where the General en Jefe saluted it saying, "Soldados! Jurad sostenirla muriendo en su defensa como lo juro". Carranza claims that this was the first flag of independence. She remianed in Mendoza until the battle of Chacabuco, after which she returned to Chile, where she was much respected. She died in 1834. (Carranza, 132-137)

Life Events

Born 1795She was born in Valparaíso around 1785.
Other 1814She fled here after the Spanish re-conquista of Chile.
Other 1817She helped to make the Bandera de los Andes on 5 January 1817.
Other 1817She returned to Chile after the Battle of Chacabuco.
Died 1834She died in Chile.


Sosa de Newton, Lily, (1986), Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas

Carranza, Adolfo P., (1910), Patricias argentinas


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Gendering Latin American Independence

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