Gendering Latin American Independence
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Latin American Revolutions

Editor: Lynch, John (ed.)
Year published: 1994
Publisher: University of Oklahoma Press
City: Norman and London


Francisco de Miranda (pp 28). John Lynch, "Introduction"
Simón Bolívar (pp 31). John Lynch, "introduction"
Mariano Moreno (pp 31). John Lynch, "Introduction"
Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzmán (Viscardo) (pp 32). John Lynch, "Introduction"
Fray Camilo Henríquez (pp 248). Chapter, Charles Griffin, "Enlightenment and Independence"
Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzmán (Viscardo) (pp 248). Chapter, Charles Griffin, "Enlightenment and Independence"
Antonio Nariño (Enrique Sotomayor) (pp 248). Chapter Charles Griffin, "Enlightenment and Independence"
Francisco de Miranda (pp 248). Chapter Charles Griffin, "Enlightenment and Independence"
Manuel Joaquín del Corazón de Jesús Belgrano (pp 258-262). Chapter Manuel Belgrano, "The Making of an Insurgent"
Antonio Nariño (Enrique Sotomayor) (pp 270). Chapter Peggy Liss, "Atlantic Network"
Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzmán (Viscardo) (pp 270). Chapter Peggy Liss, "Atlantic Network"
Antonio Nariño (Enrique Sotomayor) (pp 278-285). Chapter Antonio Nariño, "Confessions of a Radical". Written Santa Fé, 30 July 1797, translated by John Lynch from "Confesión de Nariño al Virrey".
Fray Cervando Teresa de Mier (Servando) (pp 305-306). Chapter David Brading, "Creole Patriotism".
Carlos María de Bustamente (pp 306-307). Chapter David Brading, "Creole Patriotism"

Gendering Latin American Independence

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