Gendering Latin American Independence
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The Argentine Generation of 37, Echeverría, Alberdi, Sarmiento, Mitre

Author: Katre, William H.
Year published: 1996
Publisher: Associated University Presses Inc
City: Cranbury, New Jersey and London


Juan Bautista Alberdi (Figarillo) (pp 37,48,50,57-71, 136,306.).
José Esteban Antonio Echeverría (pp 31-32., 48, 53, 61-62.).
Juan María Gutiérrez (pp 30, 48.).
José Mármol (pp 30).
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (pp 31, 48, 69.).
Marcos Sastre (pp 47-49.). See also p.311 note 74. Footnoted Antonio Sagarna, Medio siglo entrerriano: entre dos cruces, Nogoyá, 1964 quoted by Alberto J. Masramón, Urquiza: libertador y fundador, Plus Ultra, Buenos Aires, 1982, p.155. Marcos Sastre, Compendio de la historia sagrada, seguido de un dicionario latino-español, La caridad, Montevideo, 1832 and an announcement of July 1835 quoted by Félix Weinberg, "Estudio preliminar" to Marcos Sastre, Juan Bautista Alberdi, Juan María Gutierrez, y Esteban Echeverría, El Salón Literario, Jesús Menéndez, Buenos Aires, 1958, p.39.

Gendering Latin American Independence

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