Gendering Latin American Independence
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Biblioteca del Banco Central de Ecuador

Address: Av 10 de agosto Quito


Description: Fondo Jijón y Caamaño is a private collection donated by Jijón y Caamaño. There is a wealth of 19th century material here. The catalogue was not accessible to the public, so it is as well to have as many references as possible in advance, but the librarian, José Vera, is a wonderful man, extremely helpful, knowledgeable and interested. He searches for titles immediately, fetches them as quickly as possible and suggests and brings additional material.

There were no photocopying facilities in January 2003, but photographs (no flash) were freely permitted.

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Gendering Latin American Independence

School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Trent Building, University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5655