Gendering Latin American Independence
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Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

Address: Av Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Sta Lucia Santiago de Chile


Description: A wonderful place to work. Exceptionally helpful and friendly staff, who are interested in their work. A permit is necessary to enter the Sala de Investigaciones. It costs around £1.50 for six months; more for a year. Permit holders are entitled to use the Sala de Investigaciones. There are several tables seating around 30 people comfortably. Laptops may be used and there are electricity supplies with power cables supplied if necessary. All items are catalogued and can be accessed via a comprehensive database. Items have to be requested and are then brought to you. This process usually takes around 5 minutes.

The Sala Medina houses a remarkable collection of books, newspapers and pamphlets in a beautiful room. The staff are extremely helpful and knowledgeable. The Sala de Microformantes has microfilm and microfiche readers (including microfilm from the Sala Medina). It is extremely busy, and queues for photocopies are long. Up to 5 photocopies are allowed at any one time. Otherwise it is necessary to wait for up to 2 weeks. Despite being rushed off their feet, the staff are excellent. Bags can be brought into the Sala de Investigaciones, but not into the Sala Medina, or Sala de Microformantes. There are lockers provided, but these are quite small inside; they have spring doors that are quite difficult to manoeuvre. Lockers cost 100 pesos each and every time they are opened. Toilets cost 100 per visit. Photocopies of anything published after 1952 are permitted in the Sala de Investigaciones. Books and pamphlets over that age may be photographed (without flash), provided full acknowledgement is given. Opening hours vary from room to room: Sala de Investigaciones 10am -7pm (Mon to Fri) Sala Medina 9am-5.30pm (Mon to Fri) Sala de Microformantes 9am -8pm (Mon to Fri) and 9am -2pm (Sat)

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Gendering Latin American Independence

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