Rosa Fuentes y Arguibel de Maza


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1810  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She was born on 30th August 1810
1839  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She married Ramón Maza, in May 1839.


Rosas Family

A second cousin of Manuela Rosas, and part of the Rosas inner circle, she married Colonel Ramón Maza, who was shot on Rosas's orders in June 1839, for his part in the conspiracy against him. Rosas believed Maza's marriage to Rosa Fuentes, just one month earlier, was part of the conspiracy. Maza said goodbye to her in a moving letter, leaving her pregnant. (Sosa de Newton, 250)


Sosa de Newton, Lily (1986) Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas