Bárbara Forero


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1797  -  Zipaquirá  -  Unknown  -  She was imprisoned for her support of Antonio Nariño.
1816  -  Suesca  -  Unknown  -  In August 1816 she was exiled to Suesca.


Education for Girls (Colombia)
Nariño group
Women held in Cárcel Chiquita by Morillo
Women imprisoned, independence cause

From Zipaquirá, Colombia, she was a compañera and assistant to the "precursor" Pedro Fermín de Vargas in the late colonial period. (Díaz y Díaz, 181)

She was imprisoned in 1797 for her support of Antonio Nariño. She later directed a nursery school. (Monsalve, 88)

In August 1816 she was exiled by Morillo to Suesca. She is described by the royalists as aspiring to keep a open public school at her house, at which she taught "bellos modales" to her compatriots. (Monsalve, 157)

She was probably held in the Cárcel Chiquito before being exiled. (Monsalve, 159)


Díaz y Díaz, Oswaldo (1962) Los Almeydas: Episodios de la resistencia patriota contra el ejército pacificador de tierra firme
Monsalve, José D (1926) Mujeres de la independencia