José María Domínguez Roche


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1788  -  Colombia  -  Not applicable  -  Born
1858  -  Colombia  -  Unknown  -  Died


La Pola
Writers (men)

A Colombian playwright born in 1788. General Francisco de Paula Santander commissioned him to write a play about Policarpa “La Pola” Salavarrieta. (Ardila, 464, 469-70.)

When this play was performed for the first time in a Bogotá theatre, the audience intervened to stop the shooting of the heroine, "La Pola". The play was thus transformed from a drama into a melodrama. (Arciniegas, 692)

Related to María Josefa Domínguez de Roche and her daughter María de los Dolores Roche Domínguez? He could be their father.

He died in 1858.


Arciniegas, Germán (1988) Manuel de literatura colombiana
Ardila A, Hector M. (1984) Hombres y letras de Colombia