Petronila Fernández de Paredes


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1810-1821?  -  Lima  -  Patriot  -  Her house in calle Baquíjano was a centre of patriots' information.


Hosted independence meetings
Paredes family
Women hid patriots
Women propaganda for independence cause

One of the first propagandists of the independence movement, her house in calle Baquíjano, Lima, was a centre of distribution of letters, messages and proclamations. She had a clandestine printing press that she used to edit propaganda and innumerable leaflets. She had plenty of spare beds and food supplies to be used when necessary by the patriots (Balta, 27).

Related to María Fernández de Paredes de Calderón de la Barca?


Balta Campbell, Aída (1998) Presencia de la mujer en el periodismo escrito peruano (1821-1960)