Micaela Longa


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1815  -  Caracas  -  Royalist  -  In December 1815 she donated 30 pesos to the royalists.
1816  -  Caracas  -  Unknown  -  In October 1816 an undated letter to her from a "suspicious person" was intercepted. The author of the letter was condemned to exile, but she was found innocent and was absolved


Women made forced loans to royalists (Venezuela)
Women tried and released by royalists

From Caracas, in December 1815 she was forced to donate 10 pesos to the royalist treasury. (Gaceta de Caracas, 3/1/1816, p.10)

In October 1816 an undated letter to her from a "suspicious person" was intercepted. The author of the letter was condemned to exile, but she was found innocent and was absolved. (Gaceta de Caracas, 13/11/1816, pp.801-803.)


PĂ©rez Vila, Manuel (editor). (1983) Gaceta de Caracas