Ignacia Sosa de Rodriguez


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1815  -  Caracas  -  Royalist  -  In December 1815 she lent 150 pesos to the royalists.
1816  -  Caracas  -  Royalist  -  In December 1816 she donated 6 pesos to the royalists.


Women donated to royalists (Venezuela)
Women made forced loans to royalists (Venezuela)

From Caracas, she married Juan Manuel Rodriguez. In December 1815, the widowed Sosa de Rodríguez and her young children were forced to donate 150 pesos to the royalist treasury. (Gaceta de Caracas, 3/1/1816, p.10)

In December 1816, she donated 6 pesos to the royalists. She is described as a house-owner. (Gaceta de Caracas, 4/12/1816, p.829)


Pérez Vila, Manuel (editor). (1983) Gaceta de Caracas