Tomás Ramírez


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1790  -  Bogotá  -  Unknown  -  He designed the Coliseo Ramírez in Bogotá in 1790.
1805  -  Tocaima  -  Unknown  -  He died in Tocaima in misery.


Theatre of Independence (Colombia)

He designed the elaborate Coliseo Ramírez in 1790 in Bogotá, despite fierce opposition from the archbishop Jaime Martínez de Campañón who saw it as a danger to public morality. Between 1792 and 1795 it staged 39 functions (dancing, comedy and song), and was said to be an early example of democracy as it brought all classes together. But Ramírez died in misery in Tocaima in 1805. (Arciniegas, 686-687)


Arciniegas, Germán (1988) Manuel de literatura colombiana