María Josefa Arrubula de del Corral


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1800  -  Antioquia  -  Unknown  -  She married Juan Bautista del Corral around 1800.
1814  -  Antioquia  -  Not applicable  -  Her husband died of natural causes.


female relatives of executed patriots
Women awarded pensions

From Antioquia, Colombia, the daughter of Juan Pablo Pérez y Arrubula, sister of José María Arrubula, shot by Morillo and patriots Juan Manuel and Manuel Antonio Arrubula. She married Spanish-born pro-emancipation of slaves Juan Bautista del Corral around 1800. She was intelligent and energetic. Del Corral died of natural causes in 1814. Their son (born 1801) joined the patriot cause. During the terror, she lived in poverty, fearing persecution. She was offered a pension after independence, but refused it saying she did not want a centavo. (Monsalve, 232-233)


Monsalve, José D (1926) Mujeres de la independencia