Benita del Rosario Nazarre de Pico

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Benita Nazarre de Pico
Benita Nazarre de Pico


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1783  -  Buenos Aires  -  Not applicable  -  Born
1810  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She gave 25 pesos to the Upper Peru expedition in June 1810.
1843  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She died in Buenos Aires on 5 January 1843.


Women financial support to independence cause
Women, donations to San Martín

Born in 1783, she married Francisco Pico, who was killed fighting for the independence troops in 1819. In June 1810 she gave 25 pesos to the Upper Peru expedition. She died in Buenos Aires on 5 January 1843. (Carranza, 44-45; Sosa de Newton, 439)

Sister of Dionisia Nazarre de Grandoli.


Carranza, Adolfo P. (1910) Patricias argentinas
Sosa de Newton, Lily (1986) Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas