Lucas Alamán


Ethnic origen: White


1792  -  Guanajuato  -  Not applicable  -  He was born 18 October 1792.
1820  -  Spain  -  Unknown  -  He was deputy to the Spanish Cortes.
1853  -  Mexico City  -  Unknown  -  Died


Frances Calderón de la Barca, described by
Hardy, described by
Newspaper, Federalista (Mexico)
Newspaper, Sol (Mexico)
Vicario group
Writers (men)

He was born in Guanajuato, Mexico, on 18 October 1792. A conservative politician and historian who claimed that the Independence heroine, Leona Vicario, only joined the movement out of love for her husband. This version has often been repeated (Arrom, 40-41; Anna, 234).

He published several short-lived newspapers. Described by Calderón de la Barca as “an enlightened man” who did his best to reform educational colleges for young men. She also describes him having spent many years in Europe, was deputy to the Spanish Cortes in 1820. He was Minister of foreign relations in Mexico, a position that he held “during various seasons of difficulty”. “He is a man of learning, and has always been a protector of art and science. In conversation he is more reserved, less brilliant and more minute than Count Cortina, always expressing his opinion with caution, but very ready and able to give information on anything in this country, unconnected to politics.

On a visit to Real del Monte, Calderón de la Barca wrote: “Don Lucas Alamán went to England, and raised, as if by magic, the enthusiasm of the English” for them to invest in mining. She described his contribution to the Mexican press: “Enlightened individuals like Don Lucas Alamán and Count Cortina have published newspapers, but not for any length of time.” Calderón de la Barca named him among Mexico’s “distinguished men”. And added, as a general comment, “nearly all these, at least those who are married, have had the good fortune to unite themselves with women who are either their equals or superiors, in not in education – in goodness, elevation of sentiment and natural talent”. (Calderón de la Barca, 183, 223, 236, 355, 359-360.)

He was sympathetic towards the Spaniards, but converted to the independence cause in 1821. A conservative concerned with economic development. (Lynch, xiii)

He died in 1853.

R.H. Hardy met Alamán in 1825, when he was Minister for Home and Foreign Affairs, and managing director of a Mining Association: “Situations, which, to me, appeared a little incompatible with each other; and so the President afterwards thought”.
Hardy adds, “Mr Alamán is of short stature, and from his appearance, I should consider him to be under thirty years of age. In conversation, his speech is so slow, that he gives the idea of thinking before he speaks; which, in a Minister, is a requisite of no small importance.” (Hardy, 10, 11)


Anna, Timothy (1998) Forging Mexico, 1821-35
Arrom, Silvia Marina (1985) The women of Mexico City, 1790-1857
Calderón de la Barca, Frances (1982) Life in Mexico
Hardy, R.W.H. (1829) Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 1825, 1826, 1827, &1828,
Lynch, John (1986) The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826