Encarnación Ezcurra de Rosas

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Encarnación Ezcurra
Encarnación Ezcurra


Ethnic origen: White


1795  -  Buenos Aires  -  Not applicable  -  She was born on 25 March 1795, Buenos Aires.
1813  -  Buenos Aires  -  Patriot  -  She married Rosas on 16 March 1813.
1833  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She took part in the "revolución de los restauradors" that brought Rosas to power.
1838  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She died on 20 October 1838.


Rosas Family
Somellera group

She was born in Buenos Aires on 25 March 1795. She married Rosas on 16 March 1813 and collaborated with him fervently. She made a decisive intervention in the "revolucion de los restauradors" in 1833 that brought down Balcarce's government and brought Rosas to power. She and her sister María Josefa helped and protected people who came to her home. She died on 20 October 1838 in Buenos Aires. (Sosa de Newton, 218-219)

She was the granddaughter of a Frenchman and is described in her 40s as small, in poor health, but animated and energetic. “La discutida figura política feminina de que todo el mundo le hablaba en Buenos Aires” (Sáenz Quesada, 135).

She was described by Dr Maza (to Rosas): "Tu esposa es la heroína del siglo: disposición, tesón, valor, energía, desplegada en todos casos y en todas ocaciones: su ejemplo era bastante para electrizar y decidirse." (Halperín-Donghi, 320)

A friend of Candelaria Somellera de Espinosa y de Pino. (Sosa de Newton, 612)


Halperín-Donghi, Tulio (1972) Historia argentina, de la revolución de independencia a la confederación rosista
Sáenz Quesada, María (1996) Mariquita Sánchez, Vida política y sentimental
Sosa de Newton, Lily (1986) Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas